Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Jackson airport has free WiFi, so I figure I should blog while waiting for my delayed flight. I'm on my way up to Vermont for 4 days to be in the wedding of a good friend of mine. Obviously, I'm excited for him and look forward to spending time with him and his family, but another exciting thing is the weather! The heat has been rather oppressive in Mississippi of late, so I'll welcome the high of 60 that they are predicting for Vermont for today.

My flights go through Atlanta and New York en route to Burlington, which means 9 hours of total travel time. Last time I traveled I was spoiled by a direct flight from here to Chicago, so I'm not looking forward to this. I'm not crazy about long travel days, especially when I have no company.

The summer has been progressing nicely. Life in the lab has yet to get busy, but the rats (32) for my project arrived on Monday. I have eight rats each that range in age from 5 to 10 weeks. The oldest ones aren't too cute, but the young ones are still tiny and adorable. They remind me of the hamsters we used to breed, so I'd like to hold them and play with them, but am afraid that I'd get attached. Hopefully, the results from the project will be positive so their lives won't be in vain. :-)

One cool thing is that I've biking with some classmates of mine. There is a huge church with a large parking lot across the road from my house, so I've been out riding circles alone there a few times, and I went out on Monday and Wednesday with friends and rode about 25 miles each time. These guys are fairly serious bikers and they taught me a good bit about the basics of pacelining and about riding in a group in general. Because I haven't biked much, my quads limit my speed before I have any aerobic stress, but I was still able to stick with the guys without much difficulty. I think I'm addicted.

Nothing else of note to report on. Looking forward to a week at beach in North Carolina with family in a few weeks, followed by my brother's wedding here in town. He needs to go ahead and work on a nephew or niece for me.